Support us

Donate and sign up now

To subscribe to the Marco Simoncelli Foundation NGO and get the card and related gadgets, you must complete the form.

The basic membership has a minimum charge of 30 Euros per year, with no obligation to renew.


Sic Supporter Card qualifies you as current year donor. Each year the Card theme changes and allows you to visit the Museum "La Storia del Sic" (History of Sic) in Coriano, (Rimini, Italy) Via Garibaldi 127 (RN) with a dedicated discount!
Collect all cards!

30€ you can receive a gadget of your choice (adjust the money amount and see gadgets you can choose from) while with donations starting from 50€ you will receive our la new T-shirt or the new comfy cap!!

Typing the money amount in the below form, you will be able to choose between gadgets.

If you have any size or tshirt preferences, insert it in the notes of your personal message on this page.
At the next step after entering your membership data in the form below, you can also enter your credit card details.
Should you prefer to pay via bank transfer, by checking this kind of preference in the form, you will see our IBAN bank transfer codes below.
In case you choose to pay via Bank Transfer, please contact us (by email or phone) in case you pay 2 days or later after entering your membership data. Thank you!

You can make a donation by making a payment to the following bank:
Marco Simoncelli Fondazione
Checking account BANCA UNICREDIT
IT 37 N 02008 24101 005858585858

Indicate the reason for payment: Membership by website

  Donate Now!

Donazioni fino a 99 € 1 gadget, a partire da 100 € puoi abbinare 2 gadget

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  Details for membership

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Will the selected gadget be shipped to the UK?

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